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Dear readers

I’m not often one to harken back and mull over the past, especially with all the forward momentum happening at the Nest over these last 3 years. But recently I skimmed through the past blogs I’d written for the Nest and marveled at the evolution of my faith and the way in which Gods enlightening favor has advanced my path.

One thing that stood out is YOU the readers, and that each time you take a moment to read my mind and engage with what I wrote it’s such an incredible encouragement. In a big way you’ve expanded the experience for me as we share a delicate moment of vulnerability.

And the story keeps unfolding. From my hesitation at leaving my nursing career to taking the plunge of faith, to finally arriving in the jungle, I feel like I’ve opened my heart and I’m so grateful to you for taking the time to keep on reading. It makes us special friends in my regard. I haven’t been on social media for over a decade, but the Nest blogs are the place I lay out my posterity. I hope you’ve found humor and inspiration from my posts, and that you’ve been blessed by peeking into the developing journey of how God took a vision and turned it into reality.

Some of you are monthly financial partners to the Nest and I want to personally and emotionally thank you so much for taking that next step from readers to doers with your generosity.

I’d like to challenge the rest of you to also partner with the Nest in a “ giving” capacity. We are doing this together and when you step into the void of “ oh boy! I gotta give money!?” You will be met with a sense of solid ground beneath you as you quite literally become a team member and an active player on the field, no longer in the bleachers.

So my ask of you as the holiday season approaches is for any monthly donation you can muster up for us. We have recurring donors that give 20$ a month and we need them as much as those that give a thousand a month. You see, I want to expand our team so we can do greater things together.

Pray about it, consider it and then make the move over to our donate tab and DO IT!

There are many intangible moments worthy of praise in the life of a missionary, reaching a child with a message of hope, seeing smiles light up on their faces when we know the darkness that awaits them back home. There are also tangible blessings like seeing crops mature or houses being built and also new donations arrive. I’m truly surrendering to God in asking for help then just waiting in His peace for the answers.

You're all in my prayers.

With love and gratitude

James Beach


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