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The view from here

Out of curiosity, I did a google map query on the distance between my job here in San Francisco and the Bambu base in Costa Rica. The response was “navigation route unavailable, seek directions from other sources." It then sent me to an app finder, I clicked it and by fluke, I landed on my devotional bible app. The scripture message was from Philippians 2:13 which says that “it is God who works in me both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Cue the goosebumps.

So now I’ve arrived back home to resume my job in the ER, full of the memory of these past 3 weeks. I’ve been fearful that like my suntan, the new resolve of missionary life would fade under the glaring fluorescent lights of my busy life. What a comfort I discover in the truth that God is already at work, that He doesn’t need nor want me in the driver's seat. The work He’s begun in me is preciously carried on the mighty wind of His spirit. I leave it in His care.

The transformational mindset that He has a plan for mankind and that I can be a part of it, allows me the opportunity to take my eyes and my thoughts off of me. Instantly the stress and worries vanish, and I see that wherever I step, He is walking with me, empowering me even this day as I go back into the chaos of my workplace. It’s not about where I am but who I am, (and who He is). I’m so prone to wander around in my own contemplation, with all the questions that pop up as I prepare to shift my focus on raising support, developing a mission presentation, and how exactly to switch lanes and take the highway exit ramp off of my current life onto the dirt path of a missionary one. The transition seems harsh and unpredictable. While in Talamanca the vision call seemed clear, and it remains so, it’s just the how, and when that feels more real now that I’m home. But the message this morning is clear and simple. KISS (keep it simple stupid). The best thing for me has always been to keep my heart and eyes fixed on Jesus. Simple but not easy.

I’ve written in previous posts that wherever I go, there I am. Now I wanna add one more thing to that. Wherever I go Jesus is there too.


Author: James Beach, Co-Founder


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