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The house the jungle built

Well, there it is. A real big house in the jungle.

The main common house where the Nest ministry will begin to invite the women and children to enter into a space whose soul intention is to build a community of love and healing.

With the land purchased and fenced in, our builder Chicho and his team have cleared a space and, used the felled trees to build a big beautiful house right up out of the ground. It’s all so real, and a true catalyst to us getting on a plane, waving goodbye to our life in California, and moving down to Costa Rica.

You know that Kevin Costner's movie “ field of dreams” coined the popular phrase “ if you build it they will come”? Well, it’s getting built, and so as we prepare for our move, so too have women & kids seeking escape from horribly abusive homes, begun arriving on the fringes of the Nest site, peering through the trees at this place and wondering how soon the refuge will be ready.

Soon my dear ones, very soon.

Without the generous giving of our support teams, this place would still be a thick patch of jungle fit only for the birds and monkeys and a million other creatures. But your continued generosity has begun to transform this land into a flurry of hope and happiness.

Chicho’s team has been working tirelessly and with a supernatural strength to make it ready for Gods work to begin. Actually, that work has already begun, as evidenced by the exuberance of the construction and the palpable excitement of the Nest team on the ground in Costa Rica.

And we’ve only just begun. There is so much more to do. And we’re more than happy to do it too! Your prayers and money gifts are really paying off in real tangible ways.

We’re so grateful to our home church of Regeneration in Oakland, CA for a recent large gift that will build the kitchen and bathroom facilities at the Nest site.

Alongside of this we’ll soon be starting a fund raising campaign to get the individual family shelters raised up and build on the outer perimeters of the land ( 1500$ per home), as well as building an energy infrastructure of solar power to meet the needs of this new isolated community in the heart of a jungle.

We’re confident that God has started a great work here and He is faithful to see it through to it been established as a haven of hope and healing for many children, to grow up in a loving, vibrant community. But there is much to do, so please continue to pray and give out of a joyful heart, your efforts are making such a huge blessing on this place, and we are confident that the blessings will be returned on you and your families tenfold.

Thank you again for all we’ve been able to accomplish together, we won’t ease up now as we surge forward with hearts on fire.



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