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Taking the Light into the Fight


The spiritual battle for our souls is profoundly real. Whether we acknowledge it or not, it rages on inside and around us all of the time.

At the most recent Nest conference in mid-May we hosted a team of men from Texas to bring a message to the BriBri men of the community and they did not hesitate to get into the fight for these guy's souls. There was no fluff nor the tickling of ears with pleasantries, rather they spoke of healing from past trauma and facing the challenges unique to men wanting to live for God in a fallen and depraved world. I was there and saw with my own eyes the rapt attention the BriBri gave to the message. The Texas team from Cityview church spoke from a heart of love and authenticity.

It was clear to me that the conference struck a chord, and I will be working in unison with them, the Lord, and the men down here to follow up and push further into the heart of darkness that sits over the jungle like a cloud. The enemy thinks he can claim this territory for himself, but the power of Gods love is no match, pray that we at the Nest would boldly proclaim it and see more men reached with the light of the Gospel.

Although the primary focus of the Nest mission is caring for the BriBri women and girls, we cannot simply turn away from the needs of the men, but rather to adopt a holistic view of the community and see families reunited in the purposes of God. Katiano, Steven, and I are praying for insight in how we can reach beyond the Nest to have an impact on the men of the community, while maintaining the delicate sanctuary and sensitivity needed to care for the children and women at the Nest.

To be honest I don’t quite know yet what this will look like, but I trust in God that He will feed us wisdom as He lays the need on our hearts

Meanwhile in other Nest news, Karina is working hard with her team as they attend training in classes designed to certify us as a recognized children’s shelter home. Karina is also mentoring our new staff missionary Larkin as they prepare to bring our farm eggs to market in an effort to partially help us sustain a cash flow to fund our children’s outreach and operations here at the Nest.

So lots of happenings and prayer requests for you guys. I thank you for your continued love, interest, and commitment to the work that God is doing in bringing His love to the BriBri through the Nest. We strive to be the light on the hill that shines into the jungle that surrounds us.

With love and gratitude

James Beach


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