Hey! Who doesn’t like stringing a bunch of B words together eh? In this case it’s Bambu Base Bunk Beds. It’s true, the Bambu base is finally getting an upgrade in preparation for visiting missions teams.
We’re overwhelmed with excited anticipation to someday very soon in having short term teams join our efforts and to call the Bambu base a home away from home. Before the base became a reality the only options to host visiting teams were either expensive hotels many miles away from the BriBri reservation or pitching tents on the soggy ground. Now thanks to donors support we can sleep up to sixteen folks between the men and women’s dorm houses at the Bambu base.

What’s more is that this effort was accomplished by employing our neighbor across the street, a woodworker named Fransisco. He was so gracious and thankful to have the work, and he’s built us some lovely teak beds, and we’re so blessed to have discovered a means of incorporating ourselves into the community.
We have wild and inspired visions of hosting visiting teams of church groups and families and any of our supporters to come down and stay awhile at the magnificent property at the Bambu base. Bring your holy zeal and experience with us the joy and beauty of life in the BriBri jungles of Costa Rica.
But that’s not all folks. The Bambu base has 3 houses, two will be the dorm rooms, with the middle house the common kitchen and dining area. This center house though needs some help. New wiring and plumbing are a must, as well as furnishings such as a fridge, stove, tables and chairs.
So there’s more for us to do to be truly capable of comfortably hosting a large team. In January 2022 from the 5-15th, we’ll be hosting our first work team to not only help with the project at the Nest site but also to prepare the Bambu base camp as well.
If you have the construction skills or know someone who does, we would gladly welcome any help afforded to assist us in this endeavor. If you’d like your financial gifts to go specifically to upgrading the Base, please make a note of it when you make your donation.
Any amount will help, and of course, there’s room for you to come down, even on vacation to see and be a part of the amazing work that God is doin
g down here to rescue and love a wonderful but vulnerable people called the BriBri.