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A March of a million blessings

As I sit here with my 5 am cup of coffee overlooking the river at the Bambu base, my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude. I feel the smile of God singing a song of peace over the ministry of the Nest. And each beautiful note in that song are people. In no particular order I feel compelled to dictate the tablature of God’s goodness to us.

Tomas, the groundskeeper of the Bambu base who despite his age and ailments has hewn a set of impossible stairs into the steep cliff leading down to the river for us to bathe in the cool waters and maybe someday moor a canoe for the Nest excursions.

Katia the fabulous farmer/gardener has supplied the Nest land with her expertise and many many sustainable crops.

We’ve been incredibly blessed by the Gribble family, an Australian clan on an extended visit to Costa Rica whose children have loaned their talents and exuberance to our ministry and whose friendship we’ve come to enjoy over meals and games.

Edith, our tireless children’s ministry partner who is Karina’s right hand in the outreach to the BriBri community.

There is a young soon-to-be-married couple from San Jose Abby & Jordy who are bringing their love for the arts and dance into the mix of our children’s activities.

Of course, we have our lovely neighbors Chico and Laura who built all the base camp furniture and recently supplied us with a water tank for fresh water at the base.

I think of the men from Teen Challenge and their pastor Max who were invaluable with their assistance in getting a literal tonne of supplies up to the Nest site so that we could continue building the bathroom facilities.

The list would never be complete without mentioning our monthly financial supporters, some of whom really stepped up to help with one-time gifts this past month, we already have the funds to build three of the ten housing shelters on the Nest land.

Leo, a sweet and hard-working lady from down the road has become our dedicated cleaner and cook when we host teams here at the Bambu base.

We have Elsie and Johan from YWAM who loaned us wheel barrels, Mauricio our driver who is always available to pick up teams in San Jose and deliver them for ministry trips.

There’s Mitchell who loaned us his SUV when our van Betty broke down again.

At the Nest site, Ishmael a young BriBri man, and his dog Ossa are now the watchkeepers and first residents of the Nest.

Chicho, our dedicated and hard-working builder, and his team of young Christian men who seem empowered by a spirit of joy as they toil and sweat.

Years ago God whispered a sweet melody in the ears of Karina and her spiritual mentor Janet, a mournful cry from the hearts of hurting girls whose life’s had been traumatized by abuse. In their loneliness and pain, God heard their plea. In His own touch and just for them in a special way He wrote a song of deliverance and He sang it over the hearts of Karina, Janet Ables, and Kathleen Grainger as a means of a witness that He was calling and moving to the rescue of the BriBri children.

From those early days like breaking dawn of soft light, a muted melody has now ruptured the night into a full chorus of song. People, like notes on a page, are bursting forth with acts of loving service and are blessing this ministry into a gathering symphony.

Even as I take in the full measure of what only one month has brought to the Nest, there are countless others who have brought us this far, and I pray for countless more into the future of what God has in store.

Forgive me Father for the prideful selfishness that both puffs me up or tears me down into false stories that I’m doing this all alone. Thank you for reminding me of the symphony that surrounds me.

All I can do is close my eyes and tremble out an “alleluia” Thank you, God, I’m amazed at how you move. The sound of You is too beautiful to behold.

With love and gratitude



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Apr 07, 2022

i LOVE this!!!!! praise the Lord for his blessings in the nest’s journey!!!!!


Apr 04, 2022

Through the impossible come the blessings of the Lord

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